
Summer plans This summer I think that I will go to the beach if my friends organize,and save money for the travel,i hope go to the beach,because we never have time to see each other,and this is a good idea to rest from studies and obligations.  Also,with my family I hope travel to machu pichu,this is a travel that we have in mind a long time,for this reason we are buy the suitcases with anticipation. The only problem with this,is that, my grandmother don't walk a lot,her movility is reduce,and i think that probably we will not go with her. After goin to the machu pichu,we have thought in go to the south of Chile,with my grandmother from dad. In the south we have our land with our house,but we prefer stay in the house of my grandmother because she is alone,and sometimes she is with a caretaker,who is a lady older,who gets paid for help to my grandmother to cook and clean,also for see her,for my grandmother not to be alone in a big house,because is dangerous. When we are in the
Hello,today I come to talk about my bucket list. When I was child I used to write my bucket list in my diary of life,and I think that my wish are not change,they are the same and well I hope to meet them someday no matter how difficult they are. Bucket list: -travel to egipt with my family -have enought money to give it to charity -make me vegetarian -have a nice job -will be a philanthropist -dance in a stage -make a musical video -have a cat -live in england -learn more Languages -have one house in the woods -have a nice library - The whole of my bucket list,i think traveling to egipt with my family is the wish more difficult to achieve,because is very dangerous this country,always with politicals problems and attack terrorism,and the systematic violence towards women.  The second wish of my list that is very difficult to achieve is have a cat,because my mom don´t like the cats and they give me allergy,but i love its. The wish of my list that i think that i could a
Hello,today i come to talk about the job that i would like work in the future. well i start saying that i´m study architecture,and i´m in my second year,it has been a little hard for me,but i like it,and i don´t think that i could study another college career. Despite the fact that in many occasions I thought about leaving the career,because i think that my university not implant it well,there are many lacks in the mesh, unnecessary matter is passed and there is no special emphasis on teaching,not counting the bad infraestructure of university. In the future i would like work in office of associate architects,i imagine like a typical office but a lot of architects discuss about projects of architecture, think about new ideas,and graphing all this on the computer and i see this a posibility of learn more,and see how is the work,then i would like work on public service in the most vulnerable communes of Chile. In my future job i would like travel a lot,but i don´t sure if i can,beca
My favorite author is George Martin,the author of game of thrones and usually i love read this kind of books,because its immerse you in a fictional medieval world. Well my favorite book is "la ladrona de libros",that also have a movie. This book tell the story about a little girl that is adopted for a german family ,in this family she lear about books. All this while is happening the second world war. This girl manages to distract herself from the bombings by reading the novels she steal,however,it will be the the story she is writing that saves her life. I liked many books,as Harry Potter,Oscuros,Cometas en el cielo,and i can say that this books are amazin,every one with a peculiar story,and the diferents kind genre of  movie. In this last time honestly,i have no time for read any book,and i think that last book that i did read was a book about architecture,about a man called Eugene Henard,this man was a architect famous for be a vanguardist. I recomended this book if
I will start writing about my favorite movie,well my favorite movie is captain fantastic,a movie that talk about important topics,like the ways of live the life,and question the consumerist life that we have. The story is about a father that have six children and his wife die,and he try to keep the values that he inculcate in his sons,in spite the social pressure. This family is very different to typicals family,they live in the middle of nature,they reject to capitalism,and the "american dream",living an austere life,they have a house education,where they learn about philosophy,politics,and to be self-sufficient,they training their mind to  think critically in adverse moments. My kind of movie that i like watch is like this,with a importan message,what make you wonder things,or change you way of see the life,another movies that i like are "la rafle","across the universe","la vita é bella".  The last movies that i saw was "el niño que
The best holiday that i had in my life.was when i was a littlle girl,and my family and my go to the beach in Arica,the north of Chile.This holidays was 9 years ago,and i still remember like was today. We stay in the water like 4 or 5 hours,and when we swam the fishes swam with us,they was like happy,always jump the waves and go back to the sea. Also,this day we did eat so good,we did eat "empanadas"a food of Chile,then when we still be in the water, the lifeguard says that we have to leave the sea,because the waves is so big,and this could hit us or take us offshore,for this reason we leave this place quickly. After of this,we back to the house in a bus,spending a few hours,notified us that an earthquake happend,this was the earthquake of 2010. This was so unexpected for us,and we thought  that was for this that the sea was rare,and the waves so big,. When we arrived to the house,all the things had been move,or broken ,but anything was not a big lost .
I like visit to Egypt because is a country with so much history,like the ancient civilization that lived there,is a place very enigmatic,mysterious,and so different to our culture,for this reason i think that is the best place for visit,it will be like see the world of a different way. I know a lot of this country,because is a country that always catches my attention,I used to read about this pharaohs and their legends,and i know a lot of their political history because on the school we study about this country. The firt thing that i would do would be visit the "pyramids of giza" and "amarna"the city of deads,because are the places that we can see more about the ancient civilization,and the rest of the city where the egyptians lives,it is so important for understand their culture,and traditions,such as the way  they have to see the world and this explain a part of our own universal history. Thinking about the live in these place,i think that i don't like live